Ghost Ship by A.D.A by France Williams
We were commissioned to design Ghost Ship by A.D.A France-Williams for SCM Press.
Focusing on the timely issue of institutional racism in the Church of England we wanted to create a striking and bold cover design – using the person staring out from the cover as a way to draw the viewer in whilst using a very minimalist font to keep the contemporary feel.
On publication the book and it’s author received a considerable amount of publicity along with some great reviews. You can read the article he was in which appeared in the Guardian here: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/04/as-a-black-priest-in-the-church-of-england-i-felt-like-i-was-invisible
We’ve also been commissioned to work on the cover for A.D.A Williams’ next book, Flag Ship which should be released in 2022.
You can also buy Ghost Ship here.
You can see more about our book design work here.
Publisher: SCM Press
ISBN: 9780334059356
Number of Pages: 216
Published: 10/07/2020
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm