
Post-Christendom by Stuart Murray

Working with SCM Press, we were tasked with designing the cover for the second edition of this book, Post-Christendom: Church and Mission in a Strange New World, the first already being a popular title in the United States.

The brief was to represent the themes of changes to culture in the present day and the new relationship of faith and the church in the present day. The design uses a juxtaposition of two images, a stone statue of Christ against the modern architecture surrounding St Pauls Cathedral.

With all our good design projects, we took care to account for how the book would look across digital platforms. We also researched recently published books of a similar theme and current trends in book design to ensure the final design would stand out in what can be a crowded marketplace.

You can buy the book at https://scmpress.hymnsam.co.uk/product-display?ISBN=9780334057048